The Hodgkin Huxley Model
- This model accounts for a neural spike.
- What they figured out was a model that included
leak channels, and voltage gated ion channels.
- When the neuron is in its typical state, and
leak channels are open, and it has roughly stable
sodium and potassium levels.
- That means its voltage is roughly stable.
- If, however, the neuron's voltage increases (by
an elctrode input or from other neurons), the voltage
dependent sodium channel (or gate) opens.
- This causes an influx of sodium, which causes the voltage
to rapidly increase.
- Then the sodium channel closes.
- A voltage dependent potassium channel also opens up, and
the potassium flows out of the neuron.
- This causes the neuron's voltage to decrease.
- It hyperpolarises and goes below the resting potential
causing the potassium channel to close.