Extending the Hodgkin Huxley Model
- I think the models that come with PyNN and Nest (as of October 22)
only deal leak, sodium, and potassium.
- Mammalian neurons also make a lot of use of calcium.
- Hodgkin and Huxley worked with giant squid neurons, which are
pretty big, so they could look at them with an optical microscope.
- Trappenberg talks about the Wilson model. I got "Simplified
dynamics of human and mammalian neocortical neurons" 1999
H. Wilson, which seems to talk about a fair few things Trappenberg
talks about.
- So, the Wilson model, like the Izhikevich point model can account
for the wide variety of spiking behaviour of mammalian neurons.
- I didn't know that fast spiking neurons worked up to 800hz.
- Note, I think of neurons firing every x ms. So, a typical pyramidal
won't typically fire more than once every 10 ms. Lots of other
folks think of it in hertz. Every 10ms is 100 hz.