Neural Simulations and AI
- Neural simulations are really quite far away from good old fashioned AI.
- Instead of symbols and serial processing, it all relvolves around
lots (thousands, millions, or in the full-fledged case 100 billion)
- Moreover, unlike serial GOFAI, all of those neurons are behaving
at the same time.
- Of course this is a modelling problem, and thus a reasonable
task for AI.
- But it's more.
- It's pretty clear that thinking is done by neurons (and synapses) in
humans and any type of complex life.
- So, since humans use symbols, somehow those symbols must emerge from
the neurons.
- Since thinking is done by neurons, thinking could be done by simulated
- So, if we could develop a reasonably accurate neural model of a person,
we'd have a full-fledged, Turing test passing, AI.
- So how might we do that?