- Neurons are biological cells; there are lots of different types, and
each is unique.
- None the less there are lots of ways of modelling them.
- The simplest (comes from Lapique in 1907) is the integrate and fire
- A neuron collects activation (energy or potential) from other neurons.
If it gets enough activation, it fires. When it fires it sends
activation to other neurons.
- This is the neuron used in a Hopfield net, and it's close to a
neuron in a multi-layer perceptron (rate encoding).
- It's commonly extended to make a leaky integrate and fire neuron.
- What happens to the activation when an IF neuron doesn't fire.
The model either keeps it all (Lapique), or throws it all away (McCulloch
-Pitts). More accurately, some leaks away. This means that it's easier
to fire in the next cycle, but never fires with very low input.
- I've extended it to include fatigue. This means that if a neuron fires
frequently, it becomes harder to fire. Similarly, if it hasn't fired
in a long time (hypo-fatigue), it fires.
- Boltzmann machine.
- Continuous value output neurons instead of spikes.
- All of these are point models. Compartmental models are much more
accurate, but more expensive to simulate.
- The original compartmental model is the Hodgkin Huxley neuron. There
are others, but this is still popular.