- We've been developing a system for almost 20 years called
- CANT is written in Java, and is based around a fatiguing leaky
integrate and fire neural model.
- The lab is using it, so a quick description of the classes is
- The main class is CANT23. It contains a CANTNet, and a
CANTExperiment. (You can subclass these to make new systems.)
- The network contains CANTNeuron-s, that have Synapse-s.
- The CANTExperiment contains CANTPattern-s.
- There are a few user interface classes (CANTFRame, CANTMenuItem, and
- You can set the parameters by the interface or by the xml file
- What happens is the system runs through a series of cycles.
- You might externally activate a neuron (the patterns),
- or activation may spread from already fired neurons to other neurons.
- You can also turn learning on, so that the syanpses change.
- One simple experiment is to get the 10x10 default network to
learn the categories of top 50 neurons and bottom 50 neurons.