Outcomes and Evaluation
- The first two outcomes (the knowledge ones) are to understand an area
of computer science (in this case AI); and to critically evaluate
theoretical positions and concepts.
- There are four skills outcomes: one is about the dissertation.
- To perform analysis of qualitatitive and quantitative data is
quite pertinent to the AI bit.
- Similarly, to analyse complex problems is relevant.
- Finally, we'll try to give you some pointers into the literature for
AI reviews.
- The outcomes don't inform the module as much as I'd like.
- The evaluation is based on a Connect-4
- Connect 4 is
played on a 7x6 board. Players alternate dropping in pieces. If
one makes four in a row (including diagonally), they win.
- For full credit, you'll have to make a two player game, make
an agent that plays well, do some machine learning for an agent,
and do some analysis.
- The best player (or players) will get extra points.