Chris Huyck
The games developer
- I think we should each describe ourselves (as games developers) to
the group. (Sign up sheet) I'll start.
- I started programming in 1980. I developed a shoot it game
in Basic on a TRS 80.
- I then developed an NLP package called random insult. It
really just used regular grammars for production like Eliza uses
them for recognition.
- I've played a fair few games over the years, but try to avoid
spending too much time on them. (I used solitaire for years as
it wasn't too captivating, but now am sadly addicted to bloons.
- My current research is into neural agents existing in 3D
virtual environments.
- The games engine I've been using is crystal space, but I'm thinking
of switching. I've included
file IO, 3D movement and collision detection.
- I program in C, Java, C++, Lisp, C#, Basic, and am confident I can
figure out any programming language pretty quickly.