Keeping it Together
- It is essential to build systems that solve multiple tasks,
and are to at least some degree cross domain.
- One way to do build a Turing test machine is to build a really
huge neural net and see how it works. I don't think that would
- Instead, we'd like to build a series of systems and take
lessons from each.
- The key will be for the system to do a range of tasks.
- Perhaps a simple robot, or a video game agent is a good
place to start.
- Do you have any ideas about a good small system that
functions in a couple of real world domains.
- After this first system, the next system should add
features on to the system.
- Evaluation and refinement should proceed iteratively with
more and more complex systems.
- A particularly interesting hurdle is when to introduce
- These systems should provide us with real world experience, but
also enable us to improve our computational theory, and
improve our understanding of how neurons work together.