Instantiating a Phrase |
- When the the CA is active in other access and the word active
CA is on, this turns on the New Noun Instance CA.
- This creates a new noun instance.
- The counter subnet keeps track of the current noun and verb
- The noun instance keeps track of all of the features of the
noun phrase.
- This new noun instance rule also turns on the second CA in
the bar one subnet, bar one active. This means we're processing
a simple phrase.
- The verb instance does this for the verb yielding a frame
representation of the semantics of a sentence.
- The NP adds det rule is then ignited which turns on the
det feature in the noun instance.
- This also turns the word active off because the word is done.
- word active off prevents other bar one processing, and bar one
on prevents bar two processing.
- So, the read next word comes on and girl is read via the next word
- NP from N comes on which causes the head noun slot of the
noun instance to be bound to girl.
- The NP done rule comes on and turns off bar one.