Develop an AI System
- You can of course develop your own AI tools.
- Below we'll talk about developing cognitive models,
but you can actually develop your own tools for all kinds
of processes.
- My first proper job was in Dave Kieras' Cognitive Science lab, and
I developed an experiment with video. (Subjects used it, and we
collected data.)
- In that lab, one of my colleagues said (roughly) the cool thing about AI
is that if you find something boring, you can just write a program to
do it. (I'm not sure that's entirely true, but I've automated a lot
of boring stuff over the years.)
- You can build a system to automatically process your data.
- There are lots of tools, and you can usually specialise them.
That is, you can program them to do new things.
- You could build an expert system (e.g. a rule based system)
to process data.
- I realise that most of you aren't programmers, but it's not that hard
to make simple programs. Give it a whack. (For example, you could just
try some Clips code.)