Agents in an Environment
- The environment is really important to the idea of CABot.
- I also think that it's really important to developing real
- People learn things from the environment.
- We need to have our systems in relatively complex environments,
and learning from those environments.
- This seems like a strong requiremtn to get real AI.
- This is intimately related to the symbol grounding problem.
- In the shorter term, it may also make for a really good game.
- Instead of being programmed, the system learns from the environment.
This should make agents more fun to play with and against.
- It also has other obvious advantages with intelligent assistants.
- Big world small brain. People (and agents) have small brains but
need to cope with a big world.
- We're hoping to (say in 5 years) have a game that people will play.
The agents in the game can then learn semantics and language
by interacting with people.
- This will give us an entry into universal grammar, but also into