Point Neuron Models
- There have been models of neurons for a long time.
- The oldest that I'm aware of is the Integrate and Fire model
from Lapicque in 1907.
- It wasn't a computer model, and McCullouch and Pitts came up
with another version of the model in 1943. Computers were pretty
simple then, and I think they came up with the model independently.
- The idea is that a neuron collects activation (and inhibition) from
neurons that connect to it, when those neurons fire (emitting a
- If the activation goes over a threshold, the neuron itself emits
a spike continuing the proces. That's the integrate and fire model.
- What happens to the activation when a neuron doesn't fire. (It loses
all its activation when it fires.) You
can timestep it, and you can either lose it all each time step, or keep
it all.
- LIF: a more accurate model has the activation leaking away
when a neuron doesn't fire. That's the leaky integrate and fire.
- Adaptation: if neurons are given a constant amount of input (with say
an electrode) they often fire regularly, but then more slowly. They
get tired, or adapt.
- The boltzmann machine is another model that is more probabilistic
but still integrates and fires.
- Izhikevich neurons are also called reverberate and fire neurons. These
can account for a range of behaviour, like bursty neurons.
- These are all point models because they model the neuron with some simple
- In each of these models, the unit is represented by one or a few
variables (e.g. activation and fatigue). They're updated in discrete
steps, or via events continously.