Long Term Potentiation and Depression
- Another form of modification is long term depression and
- This is often modelled as a permanent change of synaptic weight.
- Spike Timed Dependent Plasticity (STDP) has some biological support
and there is a lot of modelling of it.
- This is Hebbian learning, as proposed in 1949.
- If neuron A tends to cause neuron B to fire, the weight between
them is increased.
- I use a compensatory model so that the weight leaving (or entering) a
neuron is forced toward a target weight.
- There is also work with neurotransmitters here (e.g. GABA).
- Another type of learning is Structural Plasticity.
- Here new neurons or synapses grow or die.
- Note the real problem here. If all psychological memory is based
on these types of plasticity, they need to account for all of that
learning. The models are just starting to scratch the surface of what
happens because it is really quite complex.