AI Helps Us
- There are lots of discussions, and even philisophical debate,
about whether machines will ever be as intelligent as humans.
- That's interesting, and I'm happy to discuss later.
- What I really care about is making AI systems that help people.
- Fortunately, a lot of existing AI helps us.
- The best example is probably Google search. That search engine
is AI.
- There are lots of other examples:
- industrial robots; your car was welded by a robot
- translating documents from one language to another; not as
good as experts but usable and used by experts
- face recognition
- speech recognition; e.g. siri
- tutorial systems
- big data; every fortune 500 company uses AI for big data analysis.
- games agents; chess and Mario Kart are AI
- What I want to do is help people build systems that can help