Advantages of a CA based Architecture
- Turing Complete
- Our experiments and others have shown that CAs are
pretty good categorisers.
- We're hoping to work on Variable Binding, but
Sounge (2001) has already shown that plausible neural models
can be used for variable binding.
- We're also working on moving from the single attractor
to new places in a biologically motivated way.
- These things (along with an infinite number of
neurons) are all that is needed to have a Turing Complete
- Better Blackboard
- Subsystems can be modularised (by limiting connections).
- However, subsystems can also be combined in a limited fashion.
- Hopefully, this can give us some data hiding, but also
some good inter-module communication.
- This gives us a better blackboard
- Biological Guidance
- We can use mammalian brains as models to solve problems.
- E.g. if we need to solve Variable Binding, see how people (or mice) do it.
- The search space for possible intelligent architectures is
- CAs provide an intermediate level between neurons and
full systems.