Binding Presentation and Testing
- One horizontal pattern and one vertical pattern were selected.
- 50 randomly selected neurons were presented for 50 cycles,
and the system was allowed to run for 350 further cycles.
- That is, the patterns to be bound were presented for one epoch.
- Four test epochs followed, one for the bound horizontal
pattern, one for the bound vertical pattern, one for an unbound
horizontal pattern, and one for an unbound vertical pattern.
- There are then three unbinding epochs. During this period there
is no external activation except spontaneous activation.
- The 4 test epochs are then repeated.
- For each net, this process is repeated 10 times.
- We tested on 10 different nets.
- When the bound patterns were presented, they persisted.
- Initially only the spontaneously activated neurons fired in
the binding area.
- However, later in the epoch, extra neurons in the binding
area started to fire.