AI as Search
- When I took my first AI class (1986?), we spent a large
portion of the semester working on search.
- When Deep Blue beat Kasporov, it used a simple 19 ply A* with
pruning algorithm.
- In 86, the feeling was that AI needed to have improved
search algorithms to succeed.
- I spoke with Marvin Minsky a few years ago, and he still
felt that way.
- One key to this is state space. You describe chess, most problems,
and to some extent the world, by a series of states.
- The starting state of a chess game, has all 32 pieces
in their particular place.
- You move from state to state by moving pieces (in a turn).
- You can evaluate how good a state is.
- So, the problem becomes searching for the best (or a good) state given
your current state.