- We've done some natural language parsing work with simulated spiking
neurons over the years.
- We wrote this in PyNN and in runs on the Nest neural simulator
and SpiNNaker neuromorphic hardware.
- It's part of the Human Brain Project, and PyNN is the middleware
for supporting multiple hardware platforms.
- We did a simple regular grammar parser this year at the Telluride
Neuromorphic Workshop.
- We use Finite State Automatas.
- States were just well connected sets of neurons.
- Once activated, they persisted indefinitely, until
explicitly turned off (e.g. by the next state).
- The bottom 50 neurons are parse states, and those above are semantic
states. The first 200 ms. represents "John is in the kitchen." ,
the second "Chris is in the library." and the third just the
initial state.