Writing theses
- You're going to have to write a thesis to complete your
- The MSc thesis should be about 15000 words.
- Have a look at some old theses.
- Find a supervisor early and talk to them.
- Get some research done early, but also start writing early.
- Make sure your supervisor gets a couple of drafts before
you submit.
- Use citations and a bibliography. Appendices come after the bib.
- The required/expected length doesn't count the appendices.
- Write the abstract last.
- The thesis is marked by your supervisor and a second marker.
- If they agree that's the mark you get. If they can't come to
an agreement a third marker is called in.
- Binding doesn't really matter, but I have to say a nice hard
binding raises my opinion of a thesis by 1 or 2%; it shouldn't
but it does.