- Inheritence is now used by Object Oriented Programming
- The idea of Is-A is that the subcategory is a specialisation of
the super-category. So an Ostrich Is-A bird, and is thus
a special type of bird.
- Properties are also inherited; so a bird is covered by feathers and
therefore an Ostrich is covered by feathers.
- This property inheritence can also be explicitly overriden.
- So, a bird travels by flying, but an Ostrich travels by Walking
- Of course things can inherit from multiple super-categories. Dogs
are pets, and are mammals.
- Inheritence Conflicts. This means that there can be conflicts.
- Instances are a special subset of inheritence. (Type vs. Token)
- They refer to a particular individual, where the general node
refers to a class.
- Inheritence and instance-of gives representational economy.
- Another popular arc is part-of.