- The shape of the state space is also important for the choice
of chaining methods in RBSs
- Forward and Backward Chaining
- If there is lots of fan in use Forward Chaining
- Fan in means that lots of initial states lead to one (or a small
number of) conclusion
- If you use forward chaining, rule applications will quickly converge
to an answer, but backward chaining will consider a lot of unnecessary
- If there is lots of fan out use Backward Chaining
- Fan out means that there are lots of conclusions.
- Only use the rules that are appropriate to the goal.
- If it is really big, use interleaved chaining intelligently.
- Reduce the number of rules applied by negotiating the
search space in a wise way.
- For example, imagine a maze where you start in a room, and each
exit leads to a series of doors that gets you out of the maze.
For this any path of rules will get you out, so just
use forward chaining.
- However, if you need to get to a particular exit you should backward
chaining. This way you can avoid all of the unnecessary doors.
- Backtracking