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Code and Short Tutorial for Neural Parser



Oct 2018 Tutorial
    1. Get it running
    2. Grab the tarball, unzip, and untar it.
    3. I'm running in Ubuntu 14.04, with nest and spinnaker. You should get those running (or just nest if that's all you want).
    4. You should be able to test that the system runs by
    5. Note: the tarball comes set to run in spinnaker. To change this comment out simulator=spinnaker in
    6. This should generate two pkl files in the results directory. You can convert the pkl files to spike trains by
      python results/parseState.pkl > sent0States.sp
      This is a text file of spikes (thus sp), that should end with neurons 30-37 firing until about 250 ms. (That's the final parse state of the first (0) sentence).
    1. Explanation of the files.
    2. All of the python files are for the pynn parser.
    3. this tests the parsing system on one sentence. By default it is the 0 sentence, but you can specify another sentence. There are other version for spinn7 and spinn8; these are for running on spinnaker using a version from 2017 and 2018 respectively.
    4. the testTurnLang*.py files use this. It specifies the language to be parsed, and allocates the topology. When we want to parse sentences from a different language, we'll copy this and change it to specify the new language.
    5. this is the base class for parsing. It should be generic across languages being parsed.
    6. the system is parsing a regular language, which can be defined by a stateMachine. So, this class is used; it's well tested and should work robustly for sentences.
    7. neal is the Neuromophic Embodied Agents that Learn project. The idea is that we write agents by combining modules (like this parser). Then we change one parameter (the simulator), and the system works on different platforms. Unfortunately some pyNN functions differ from simulator to simulator. These are included in nealCoverClass to reduce the amount of branching (e.g. if simulator == nest) in the modules.
    8. this is a testfile that runs all of the sentences.
    9. a program to convert pkl files generated from pynn spike saving to spike data.
    10. automated script for testing nest.
    11. and automated script for testing spinnaker.
    1. Make a parser for a new language.
    2. cp
    3. cp
    4. modify testTurnLang2Nest to import turnStep2Lang instead of testTurnLang (just change the import). It should now run and do just what testTurnLangNest did. You can do a diff on the translation of the pkl files.
    5. We're now going to add a sentence to the parser. In turnStep2Lang, fix up the global variable totalSentences; in the main set it to 3 (instead of 2).
    6. This only parses the sentences turn left. and step forware.because they are the only sentences we have defined (in turnStep2Lang). We're going to define the sentence move backward. We're going to do this in main after step forward is defined.
    7. add
      moveState = parser.addStateToNewStateOnWord(parser.startState,'move')
      moveBackwardState = parser.addStateToNewStateOnWord(moveState,'backward')
      moveBackwardFinalState = parser.addStateToNewStateOnWord(moveBackwardState,'.')
    8. You've now actually added the sentence, but it's not hooked into the test. If you call
      python 2 you'll try to parse the new sentence, but it's not defined. If you look at the parseState.pkl file, you'll see no firing.
    9. In setupTestSentences, copy the elif (sentence==1) clause and put the copy below. Modify it so sentence==2, and change step to move and forward to backward. When you run
      python 2
      you should get a complete parse. (the 90-97 neurons should be firing at the end.)
    1. Run the agent
    2. The code comes with a simple agent and simple environment. The Nest versions communicate via text files. Open up two shells.
      rm *.txt (you don't need to do this the first time, and you might want to be careful that you've not got some.txt files around you want.)
      In one shell python (This should bring up a window with a text box; you should type l (for turn left.) in the window and hit return.)
      In the other shell python
      In each window you should see some timesteps coming up along with some words. What is happening is that the world has sent the agent a command to parse, and then the words. The agent will make a particular neuron spike and write that "action" to the file. The world will see the action and apply it, then print out the state of the agent. (In the world you can use the print button to get the state too.) If you do l, you should get the state 270,0,0 in the world after the parsing is done, meaning the agent is facing at 270 degrees and is in location 0,0. You should be able to issue multiple commands and have the agent move about.
    1. Modify the agent
    2. This agent only turns left and moves forward. Let's make it also move backward.
    3. cp
    4. edit and look for
      elif input == 'f'
    5. cp that line and the line below it changing the 'f' to 'b' (or whatever you'd like for move backward), and the second line to
      That is change 3,4 (for step forward) to 5,6 (for move backward). -1 starts the parse, and 2 is the period.
    6. turnStepWorld2Nest should run on its own, and with turnStepAgent (though the b will cause the agent to crash).
    7. cp
    8. in change the import of turnStepLang to turnStep2Lang. That is include the language that includes move backward that we made above.
    9. If you this agent and world (remember to rm *.txt), it should work for f and l; it parses b, but there is no action, and once the b is tried, the parse is in a bad state, so other l and f commands don't work.
    10. In, copy the line
      connectFinalParseToAction(parser,6,agentActionCells,2) and place it below changing the new line to
      This says that the final parse state (the 9th) for move back. should cause the 3rd action cell to fire. The world already deals with this appropriately.