Code and Short Tutorial for Neural Parser
Get it running
- Grab the tarball, unzip, and untar it.
- I'm running in Ubuntu 14.04, with nest and spinnaker. You should
get those running (or just nest if that's all you want).
- You should be able to test that the system runs by
- Note: the tarball comes set to run in spinnaker. To change this
comment out simulator=spinnaker in
- This should generate two pkl files in the results directory. You
can convert the pkl files to spike trains by
python results/parseState.pkl > sent0States.sp
This is a text file of spikes (thus sp), that should end with
neurons 30-37 firing until about 400 ms. (That's the final
parse state of the first (0) sentence).
Explanation of the files.
- All of the python files are for the pynn parser.
- this tests the parsing system on
one sentence. By default it is the 0 sentence, but you
can specify another sentence.
- the testLang*.py files use this. It
specifies the language to be parsed, and allocates the
topology. When we want to parse sentences from a different
language, we'll copy this and change it to specify the new
- this is the base class for parsing. It should
be generic across languages being parsed.
- the system is parsing a regular language,
which can be defined by a stateMachine. So, this class is used;
it's well tested and should work robustly for sentences.
- neal is the Neuromophic Embodied
Agents that Learn project. The idea is that we write
agents by combining modules (like this parser). Then we
change one parameter (the simulator), and the system works
on different platforms. Unfortunately some pyNN functions
differ from simulator to simulator. These are included in
nealCoverClass to reduce the amount of branching (e.g.
if simulator == nest) in the modules.
- this specifies the simulator, and is used
for constructing agents.
- this is a testfile that runs all of the
- a program to convert pkl files to spike
- automated script for testing nest. (stored
results not included in oct 1 tarball.)
- automated script for testing spinnaker. (stored
results not included in oct 1 tarball.)
- an old test function
Make a parser for a new language.
- cp
- cp
- modify testTurnLang to import turnStepLang instead of cABot3Lang.
(just change the import)
It should now run and do just what testLangOneSentence did.
You can do a diff on the translation of the pkl files.
- Pare out most of the stuff from testLangOneSentence.
Delete the functions addMoveSentences, addGoSentences,
and addCentreSentences, and where they're called in main.
This should still run.
- Continue paring. Remove the explore and stop sentences in
main and they're references. Remove all but the two
first sentences in setupTestSentences. In addTurnSentences,
remove all of the sentences but turn right. That's the first
11 lines, and the remaining ~ 50 lines after the second 11.
- Fix up the two global variables. In, you
removed the variable setting of lengthOfLongestSentence (from
addMoveSentence). In main, declare it global variable,
and set it to 2. (I did this next to totalSentences.) change
totalSentences from 23 to 2 This should run and give you
largely the same results as the original test (though it
doesn't run as long in the final state because the longest
sentence is shorter).
- This only parses the sentence turn left., because
that's the only sentence we have defined. We're going to
define the sentence step forward. We're going to do this
in main after the call to addTurnSenteces.
- add
stepState = parser.addStateToNewStateOnWord(parser.startState,'step')
stepForwardState = parser.addStateToNewStateOnWord(stepState,'forward')
stepForwardFinalState = parser.addStateToNewStateOnWord(stepState,'.')
You've now actually added the sentence, but it's not hooked into the
test. If you call
python 1
you'll try to parse the first sentence, but it's not defined, and
you should get an error.
- In setupTestSentences, change turn right (two lines) to step
forward. Now when you run the test (with the 1 argument),
you should get a complete parse. (the 60-67 neurons
should be firing at the end.)