Other Logics
- We've brushed over FOPL, but there are lots of other
- Second and Higher Order Logics: FOPL doesn't allow you to pass a
function as an argument. Other logics (and functional languages) do.
- Non-Monotonic Logics: These logics can have facts removed. This
still has the problem about derived facts, but they can be more closely
connected with human thinking than FOPL.
- Multi-Valued Logics: FOPL facts have two possible values (True and
False). There are multi-valued logics with three or more values
(including infinite). The easiest is a maybe value.
- Temporal Logics: include a time value. In this case, bestTeacher(Chris,
Today) and -bestTeacher(Chris, EndOfYear) can both be true.
These relate to
the Frame problem.