Projecting from one set of dimensions to another
- Systems can project from one dimensionality (say 3D) to
another (say 2D).
- How would you project from 3D to 2D?
- If there are points in 3D space, and you shine a light on them, the
shadow is projected onto a 2D shape (say the floor or a wall).
- Does it matter where the light is? The surface that it is
being projected onto? Of course it does.
- Can you project from 2D to 3D?
- People do this all the time when they take a 2D image (close one
eye and that's what you get) and infer depth.
- Programmatically, you can just write a function that takes the two
inputs (x and y), and makes a third (z).
- You can of course do this from any N-D to any X-D.
- In high dimensions, you often use principle component analysis
or independent component analysis to project data in high dimensions
to 1 or a small number of dimensions.