Cognitive Modelling
- You can use AI techniques to build models of lots of things.
- The one intelligent thing is people, so you'd like to build models
of people thinking.
- We do.
- However, it's hard to say how people think. Fortunately Psychologists
have been working on it for a long time and have made some pretty
good progress.
- There are a lot of models for a lot of thought processes.
- AI is one of the cognitive sciences.
- One big are is Cognitive Architectures: Soar, ART and others.
- The idea here is that there is an architecture that provides
everything you need for a cognitive system. All hat is needed
is the program. That's a bit of a stretch for the current
- ART in paticular has 100s of cognitive models implemented in
it for a variety of tasks.
- Cognitive modellers at MDX are Roman and Chris.
- I'm particularly interested in cognitive models implemented in
simulated neurons. (I have the best neuro-cognitive model for
natural language parsing.)