- The simplest form of learning is caching.
- If you see that A+B=23, and you cache that, then are asked
what's A+B, you can answer 23.
- This in general is a really powerful technique.
- It gets used in games to play an earlier version of yourself (or
someone else) in MarioKart.
- People often do it.
- It's quite generally applicable.
- The problem is that you often don't revisit the same state.
- Is the context relevant, and what's the context.
- In another problem, A+B= 27. Which one do you use?
- Caching lacks generalisability. What's A?
- A standard task is categorisation. Given an item, what category is
it in?
- This is typically done with a training and a test set.
- A 2-fold analysis is train on the training set, then test on the
test set. Then switch.
- Unless an item appears in both the training and test set,
caching will always fail to categorise correctly.