Logic and First Order Predicate Logic
- Socrates tried to encode knowledge in the form of logic.
- This was used for thousands of years, and is the basis of
modern first
order predicate logic.
- The base idea is that there are facts that are true or false.
(odd 3) (odd 2) (tall chris)
- You can combine these facts with connectives including
and, or, not, xor, and if.
- Via if then clauses, you can derive new facts.
- So, if (not(odd ?x)) then (divisible ?x 2)
- This is the basis of prolog.
- You can also have the existential quantifier and the universal
- Additionally, there a scad of other logics including
higher order, temporal and non-monotonic logics.
- The idea is that given some facts, you can derive new facts.