Lab 1: Clips
- Get clips. Go to the
Clips sourceforge site. Go to download clips. Go to 6.24.
Go to Save it, unzip it.
- Run CLIPSWin.exe.
- Try it. + 3 5 7
- It's prefix; and kind of like lisp. Try (help).
- Play with facts.
- (facts)
- (assert (isa dog mammal))
- (reset)
- (assert (isa even (* 3 2)))
- Make a simple initial rule
(defrule init (initial-fact) => (assert (isa feline mammal)))
- Now save it in a clp file.
- Use the save, load, reset, run cycle.
- Try multiple right hand sides.
- Try multiple left hands sides.
- Use or in the left.
- Try a variable (defrule var (mytest ?a) => (assert (inst variable ?a)))
- Try the step.
- Try (agenda)
- Now try to implement the semantic net from lecture 1.
- Implement an initial rule with quite a few facts.
- Implement is-a inheritence.
- Implement fact inheritence.
- Put in the full data set.
- The tricky bit is to put in over-riding inheritence.