Inheritence and Instances
- Inheritence and instances give representational efficiency.
- You don't need to store all the facts associated with each
- Instead you can derive facts from inheritence.
- Tweety can fly.
- This is default reasoning.
- This is one of the great aspects of our own (human) knowledge.
- We might see a dog for the first time.
- However we already know a lot about it, because it is a
member of a class.
- Or even better, we might have an idea about it.
- For example, dogs like bones, so Bonnie likes bones.
- However, inheritence can be overriden.
- Notice how penguins don't fly.
- If we find out Bonnie (or Labradors) don't like bones, we
can override the inheritence.
- All you do is look up the inheritence hierarchy.
- Unlike FOPL, semantic nets are non-monotonic.