Evaluation Function
- A really important feature of a GA is the Evaluation Function.
- How good is that 20 city gene?
- In general the evaluation function is difficult, but in the TSP
case, how would you evaluate a gene?
- You'd just use the length of the path.
- How does the (real) environment evaluate a gene? Survival of the
fittest and breeding.
- It is crucial that you build a good evaluation function for your
particular problem.
- It's a lot easier if the evaluation function is fast. Why?
- Here's one that's not. I had a student who did a thesis where
he wanted to weight rules in a video game agent.
- To evaluate the agent, he took the weights and ran the agent
through the game.
- The evaluation function is how well the agent performs.
- What if you have 40 variables to optimize in a neural simulation?
- Here you run the simulation with one set of variables, and see
how well it does. This might be faster.
- So, the evaluation function must be task specific.
- Once you've evaluated lots of genes, you make new genes, by
combining the best old ones.