Inhibitory Synapses and Neurons and Competition Between CAs
- It's also important to note that synapse can also be
- When a neuron fires, it can make it less likely that the post-synaptic
neuron will fire.
- Some neurons are considered inhibitory so that all post-synaptic
neurons are inhibitted when the pre-synaptic neuron fires.
- The evidence seems to point to the pre-post-synaptic neuron pair
being relevant so that a neuron can be both excitatory and inhbitory
but only by pair.
- We typically model inhibition with synaptic weights being negative.
- Note that this means CAs, which consist of neurons, can compete
with each other.
- As CA1 becomes active (ignites), it can inhibit CA2. CA2 can
inhibit CA1 also, and they are thus in a competition.
- This (perhaps with global inhibition) can be used to make
winner take all networks.