Goals, Actions, and States
- A relatively simple but useful concept is the goal.
- In a maze, the goal may be to get to the other side.
- When packing your shopping, the goal may be to have your
groceries in a reasonable number of bags.
- As ever, the domain can be represented by States.
- In the maze, the state is the location; and in shopping it may
be the location of your groceries, or it may be to have it in
the minimum number of bags.
- Actions change the state.
- Moving, changes the location in the maze.
- Putting your milk in a bag will change the State.
- Note that all actions may not be available.
- You can use preconditions. So, you can't put milk in a bag
that is too full, or you can't put milk on top of something that
isn't already in the bag.