- Friction is the force that resists motion between two contacting
- Friction is proportional to the normal force between the
surfaces. (The normal force is the force vector that is perpendicular
to the surface.)
- A box resting on the ground has F=mg (g is the gravity 9.81 for
- If the box is on an inclined ramp (theta), F=mg(cos(theta)).
- Friction also depends on the materials of the surfaces.
- Each material has a coefficition of friction, and this
is multiplied by the normal force.
- F = umg. (or F_F = MuF_N)
- The direction of the force of friction an object experiences is
always in the opposite direction to any net external force
applied to the object.
- Coefficient of friction for ice-ice .1, steel-steel .7, and
copper-steel .53
- There is a different component for at rest and moving friction.
ice-ice moving = .03