- While FLIF and compartmental models account for particular neurons,
connections between neurons also need to be modelled.
- There are roughly 100,000,000,000 neurons in the brain and each
neuron connects to up to 10,000 other neurons.
- This is a graph issue with nodes being neurons and synapses
- A lot of models get this topology wrong. E.g. the Hopfield model
uses IF neurons but has a bidirectional well-connected topology.
- Some gross topological features are the brain is a thin roughly metre
square sheet crammed into a 3D ball.
- In this sheet, there are 6 layers known as the laminar architecture.
- There are also brain areas for specific function, though developmentally
traumatized brains move function about.
- A particular human's topology is pretty stable with relatively little
neural or synaptic death or growth.
- Neurons tend to be connected to nearby neurons. Pyramidal neurons,
which make up 80% of cortical neurons, have one long distance
axon with many synapses at the other end.