Lab 9: Crystal Space Mazing with Rooms
- Using the converted mazing you had from last week:
- Let's make it a bit bigger, say 8x8 instead of 3x3:
- Change the MAZE_DIMENSION constant in gamestuff.h
- Now add the other 55 rooms (using createRoom in
- I moved the createLights to CreateRoom, but you can
implement this however you like.
- Let's make the adversaries a bit more intereseting
- Go to setupGame and create a few more adversaries.
- Bring out a new adversary every 10 seconds (or on a
keyboard event if you'd like).
- I accessed the clock with
csRef< iVirtualClock > vc = csQueryRegistry< iVirtualClock > (app->GetObjectRegistry());
I got the current time with (in milseconds)
float curTime = vc->GetCurrentTicks();
- I used createAdversary with random x and z coordinates.
- That took me some time. You can explore.
- Try to put in an interesting maze with walls with fronts
and backs.
- Why do the spheres disappear at distance? (Culling) Can you fix
- Can you put some other objects in the maze?