Lab 22: The Game of Life
- There are a lot of variants of the game of life.
- Roughly there is a grid of some format and each cell
in the grid is either on or off in a parituclar
- The state of the cells in the next step depends on their state
in the current step, and the state is determined locally.
- We'll do a simple rectangular grid (say 10x10).
Make an array, you don't need a gui (2 points)
- The reproduction rule is
if two or more of the neighbors of a cell (up,down,left,or right) are
on in this step, the cell is on in the next step.
Implement that. (3 points)
- Make a reaonable GUI. (3 points)
- Add variants to the GUI (e.g. 2 or 3 but not 4) (2 points).