- Parsing builds a syntax tree for sentences, and, at least theoretically,
a case frame structure for semantics.
- The best full-whack parsers build charts.
- My doctoral work (and some more recent neural work) has been
on one pass parsers, which is more psychologically realistic.
- An example of a tree for "I saw the girl with the telescope." is:
- The frame is
| saw |
actor | I |
object | the girl |
instrument | the telescope |
- The best parsers get around 90% of the attachments right, and they're
really quite slow.
- So, a lot of parsers just go through two or several FSAs.
- With the two, the first gets the 0 bar level, or the simple phrases.
- The second combines the phrases, and may miss things.
- We haven't done this in GATE yet.