Completing the TE system
- Can I finish a TE system this afternoon.
- Unfortunately our heroes, the GATE team, have left us without a TE
- Following their lead, I'm going to try to build a complete ANNIE.
- It seems they have lots of extra resources that I've downloaded
with GATE, by default.
- I'm now looking for a parser. I see the SUPPLE parser looks a lot
like the Buchart parser that I (from 15 years ago) am familiar with.
I seem to need a prolog so I download the free PrologCafe one.
- At this stage (about an hour of proper futzing in), I'm giving up.
- I'm entirely confident that I could get SUPPLE running.
- Assuming I could, I'd then need to build some templates from
the data I have.
- I'd use disint (the discourse interpreter) for largely the
same reasons I'd use SUPPLE.