Our Current Understanding of Human Thinking
- Of course we already know a lot about how people think.
- Neural Models:
- A pretty good understanding of neurons in isolation (of course
by no means complete).
- Gross structure
- fMRI (and other) scans to show areas of particular activation.
- Cognitive Architectures:
- Mostly symbolic
- Connectionist component
- Either psychological models (e.g. ACT) or AI (Soar)
- Psychology:
- This really is the study of human thinking so this is obviously
an incredible simplification
- Memory formation, limitations
- Developmental paths
- Processing, analogical reasoning etc. etc.
- Linguistics, Philosophy, Computational Theory, Sociology,
Animal Psychology, Evolution etc.
- We know a lot about how humans think, but we are a long way
from knowing everything. (A computational model of an
intelligent being would tell us a lot about how we think.)