Hand Waving
- I'm hoping that all of the stuff so far does not sound unreasonable.
- Let's sound unreasonable and wave our hands at problems
- Associative Memory and Variable Binding leads to a full system
- Soar and the ACT models are basically rule based systems that
are attempts at complete cognitive models
(they supposedly can do everything).
- A CANT model that implements rules, can then be a complete
- Moreover, it would be based on valid neural processes
- Cognitive modelling could then explore all apsects of cognition,
taking advantage of computational and psychological data (as ACT
does), and neural data
- Real AI: it's hoped that this stuff will eventually have real
world application. The aforementioned NL parsing problem is
one possible application, but if it's successful, it may lead
to major advancements (database, search engines, robotics...).
- Extra things fit in
- emotion: it's just part of the system
- consciousness: emerges from a self-aware system functioning
in an environment
- creativity: again it emerges
- Can tack other things on
- attention: perhaps a different system, probably intimately related
- fast learning and forgetting
- Sensors and affectors