- Software agents are bits of software that do things.
- I know that's a bit ill defined, but the usage is too.
- Some examples of agents are network traffic monitoring,
and price quoting services on the Internet.
- The one you're probably most familiar with, and for that
matter the one that is probably most valuable, is the
games agent.
- When you're racing against Wario in Mario-Kart, you're
playing against a software agent.
- In general, agents are not as good as humans.
- That's why most games allow you to play against another
person. They're more interesting.
- What we're going to do today is make some agents to
play spacewars.
- The agents can play you, which makes the game more fun,
but they can also play each other.
- Toward the end of the day, we'll have a competition to see whose
agent is the best.