- To be good at AI, you need to be good at programming.
- There are a lot of jobs in AI.
- I teach CSD 3939, programming AI.
- If you want to do a thesis with me, I'm particularly interested
in using simulated neurons.
- I'm also happy to supervise a range of AI theses. I'm only
happy supervising theses where some software is developed.
- If you can program, when you come to this stage, you can make
significant intellectual progress.
- If you manage that, you'll be in a good place to get a job.
- Similarly, if you'd like, you'll be in a good place to get into
graduate school.
- So, in the rest of year one, and in year two, work on your programming.
- After year two, get an industrial placement.
- When, you come back for year three, you'll be in a good place to
take advantage of all of the opportunities available.