Chris Huyck
- I'm from Michigan in the US.
- I got my BSc in CS (with a minor in Math) along with an AB in
History (with a minor in Philosophy) in 1986 from the University
of Michigan.
- I got my MSc in CS in 1988, from Michigan.
- I worked at Microsoft for a couple of years. I was a developer
on the first version of Visual Basic, and worked on Visual C++,
Access, and some remote procedure call protocols.
- I then got my PhD in 1994 with a thesis on the Plink parser, which was
a cognitive model
of Natural Language Parsing.
- I was in the AI group, supervised by Bill Rounds, Steve Lytinen,
John Laird and Bill Croft, and did some work with Steve Kaplan.
- I then went to the American University in Cairo and taught
for a couple of years.
- I came to Britain in 1997, and had a post doc at Sheffield
with Yorick Wilks and Rob Gaizauskas.
- I worked on GATE there, and I extended my parser to resolve
Prepositional Phrase Attachment Ambiguity. (I saw the girl
with the telescope.)
- I came to the conclusion that the system really needed to
understand semantics to get PP attachment right.
- I knew about Cell Assemblies from Kaplan, and thought
I'd just use that to solve the problem. That's why I
work with neurons.
- I've been here at Middlesex since 1998.