- There are a lot of different neural models.
- They can be broadly broken into continuous value,
spiking point, and spiking compartmental models.
- Spiking models emit spikes for communication, continous models
send out a value.
- Compartmental models break a neuron into compartments and
are generally more accurate than point models.
- A point model represents a neuron as a point.
- FLIF stands for Fatiguing Leaky Integrate and Fire, and it's
a spiking point model.
- Integrate and Fire models integrate activity from adjacent
neurons, and emit a spike if the activity is over a threshold.
- Leaky Integrate and Fire models are really common. If the activity
doesn't surpass the threshold some of it leaks away; this makes
it easier to fire later, but not too easy.
- We, rather atypically use a Fatiguing model. If the neuron fires
it becomes harder to fire.
- The CABots used a fatigue model that only went to 0.
- We've more recently allowed it to go below 0, so that a neuron
can fire just by being hypo-fatigued.