Run the Grant
- When you get a grant (and if you keep writing them, you will),
you need to run it.
- Try to get the starting date right. Don't start until you
are ready to start. (If you're hiring, try to start the grant on
the day your RA starts.)
- Resist the temptation to spend all your time writing new grants
(at least I think that's important). (I've had a lot of colleagues
ask to write another grant once I've gotten one, and that takes the
air out of the fire.)
- However, get a quick win, get a paper, and get ready to submit
a follow on grant to extend the roll. I've actually never managed
to keep an RA for more than 3 years. The best groups have RAs
for life.
- There is something to be said about having already done the stuff
that you say you'll do in the grant.
- Enjoy it! Give talks. Go to conferences and brag. Schmooze.
- Talk to the RKTO and finance. It's best if you are on a first name
basis with the people who are managing your grant at MDX.
- Similarly, talk to colleagues who reviewed the grant.
- Finally, you can co-opt others to help with the research (unpaid, though
you might be able to spend travel money on them).
- Make sure you spend all the money.