Short Term Memories
- The brain represents a memory by a set of neurons.
- Neurons may participate in multiple memories.
- Some neurons are more central to a particular memory than
- The neurons of a paricular memory have high mutual synaptic
- The strength has been learned via Hebbian learning from
environmental stimulation, but this is the long term
issue, so more on that later.
- When an instance of that memory occurs in the environment,
a small number of the neurons are stimulated from the
sensory system.
- These neurons in turn send activation to other neurons,
and a great deal of activation to neurons in the
CA (because they have high mutual synaptic strength).
- This in turn causes a large number of neurons in the
CA to fire.
- This causes a cascade of neural activation called CA ignition.
- The reverberating circuit (the CA) can remain active after
environmental stimulus has ceased.