Links to Neuroscience
- I'm really trying to make this reasonably close to a model of biological
neural functioning.
- It is necessarily an approximation, but I'm hoping to keep the
essential things.
- Consequently, I'm trying to figure out what biological neural nets
- It seems there is lots of neuro-biological work on single neurons,and
on area but little on groups of neurons.
- I'm an old fashioned AI hack not a neurobioligist. Can anyone point me
to work on groups of neurons?
- I am starting conversations with people in the Human Brain Project.
- Non-biological neural models might be right on some level, but CAs
work with the dual dynamics of neural systems. (Activation and LTP)
Our brains are dynamical, not incidentally or in
passing, but essentially, inevitably, and to their very
Chuchland & Sejnowski