Other things without writing java
- There are a few other things that you can still do without
writing java.
- First, your patterns, in param.xml, can have more than one
- This enables more complex data items.
- You can also save the network. I've had reading the network
implemented before, but it's not in the current version.
It gets save as net.dat.
- If you can look at the net, you can see how things are
getting learned.
- There are some execution things that can prove useful.
- I've already mentioned run delay which can make the
simulation go slower or faster.
- Reset Run starts at cycle 0.
- Set Stimuli Number selects how many are activated from
the pattern.
- You can also change each time to make it go through more
patterns. This can be useful when learning large
categorisation tasks.
- Spontaneous activation randomly firees some neurons
each cycle.
- On the Set Parameters menu you can also set the likelihood
a neuron is inhibitory, change the learning rate, and play with
compensatory divisor which is a compensatory learning parameter.
- Oh, you can also make multiple nets in param.xml, but they
will not be connected.