Recruitment and Fractionation
- Learning is for CA formation (okay it's also for learning
relations between CAs)
- CAs form by increasing mutual inter-proto-CA strength
- They then evolve by recruiting other neurons, and
- fractionating into new CAs
- Decay can help in initial recruiting because it can allow
weakly connected neurons to fire together
- This can lead to strengthening of the connection and eventual
CA formation
- We've not worked on Fractionation, but the idea is that a
CA (concept) breaks into subconcepts
- For example, a child has a concept of four-legged animals that
they label dog; as they grow this fractionates into (e.g.) dogs and
- This relates to the stability-plasticity dilemma
- Axonal strength changes freely, but it's hard to change
strengths because the neurons tend to fire together
(because they're in the same CA)
- How do CAs fractionate?
- Recruitment and Fractionation are the basis of long-term CA